12 resultados para Algarve - Ria Formosa

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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O presente texto tem como objetivos relevar as potencialidades que a prospetiva, enquanto abordagem dos future studies, apresenta para a investigação e a intervenção na área da saúde. Uma vez caracterizada esta abordagem, apresentam-se os principais resultados de um estudo sobre os determinantes organizacionais da qualidade das tecnologias de saúde nos serviços de radiologia dos hospitais públicos da Região Algarve. A investigação procurou descodificar o sistema de regulação da qualidade, em geral, e dos pressupostos da "prática baseada na evidência" protagonizada pelos técnicos de radiologia dos serviços hospitalares, em particular, questionando ainda os horizontes dos futuros possíveis no que concerne à adoção generalizada de tais práticas no quotidiano de trabalho ao nível da praxis em tomografia computorizada (TC). Em termos teórico-metodológicos, recorreu-se a ferramentas do «método dos cenários» de Godet (1993) para a análise da relação de dependência/influência entre as variáveis num contexto da regulação da qualidade, em geral, e dos pressupostos da "prática baseada na evidência", em particular. Os principais resultados do estudo permitiram identificar um cenário ótimo, a curto prazo, para o desenvolvimento da qualidade das práticas dos técnicos de radiologia, fundado nos eixos da "regulação autónoma da melhoria do contexto de trabalho", das "perspetivas de regulação de controlo dos processos da melhoria da qualidade", da "autonomia profissional e controlo organizacional".


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The Alcantarilha lowland, partly barred by a well developed barrier, including foredunes covering Pleistocene-Holocene beachrock and aeolianite, develops across the Alcantarilha infilled estuary, the beach-dune extending further SE until the Salgados lagoon. A topographic and coring survey revealed a peculiar feature at the leeward toe of the dune ridge close to the inlet area: a sandy fan with location, shape and morphology suggesting emplacement by single or multiple overwash of the barrier tip rather than tidal forcing. Its storm or tsunami origin and age are under investigation, and the only time-constrain available at present is that it should post-date ca. 6600 cal BP, the most recent in situ aeolianite (Moura et al., 2007) dated so far. METHODS, DATA SET AND RESULTS The fan boundaries are distinctive in aerial photos and satellite images: it is roughly ellipsoidal, ~200 m wide and ~300 m elongated paralleling the shoreline, rising ~ 0.9-1.2 m above the surrounding floodplain surface. Detailed topography shows that its short axis aligns with SW-NE elongated (though irregular) depressions in the dune crest, which link the beach with the fan. This could have favoured funnelling of, or erosion by, water overtopping the barrier but, in either case, the fan should correspond to extreme and abrupt event(s) of coastal flooding. 18 trenches and cores were performed in the exposed area of the fan and nearby flood plain to obtain samples and data on its sedimentology, lithostratigraphy and geometry. The fan consists of well sorted and rounded sand (Fig. 2). It thins away and wedges out landwards of the apex (located near Alc29T) where it is partly covered by dune sand. Its lower boundary is undulating and marked by textural contrast between sand (fan) and underlying mud (alluvial/lagoonal); an accumulation of marine-sourced perforated pebbles showing limited lateral continuity may pinpoint this boundary near the foredune (core Alc 25, ca. 80 m westward of profile in Fig.1); mud-balls were also observed immediately above this surface in cores and trenches. As the washover was probably emplaced in a barred lagoonal/estuarine floodplain setting, the fan’s northern outer belt is enclosed by low-energy sediments (not shown in Fig. 2).


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Esta dissertação pretende contribuir para um melhor conhecimento da complexidade das redes de transferência de conhecimentos e técnicas, no domínio da engenharia civil e mais concretamente através dos caminhos-de-ferro, nos séculos XIX e XX. Em Portugal, os caminhos-de-ferro estiveram no cerne de um vasto debate, sobretudo político, concomitante com uma instabilidade crescente no cenário político e uma fase de fragilidade económica. É neste contexto que a Linha do Sul e Sueste vai ser construída (seguida pela sua extensão até Vila Real de Santo António e pela construção do ramal de Portimão, que chegará a Lagos). Este empreendimento é uma clara ilustração da realidade portuguesa de então, no que concerne ao desenvolvimento desta rede de transportes, que nos permite, igualmente, conhecer e compreender quem interveio no processo de construção da linha (os engenheiros, as empresas, entre outros aspectos) e assim determinar quais as influências e transferências técnicas que tiveram lugar; RESUMEE: Cette mémoire attire à la contribution pour une meilleure connaissance de la complexité des réseaux de transfert de techniques et connaissances qui ont eu lieu dans le domaine de l’ingénierie civile, surtout dans les chemins de fer, au XIXème et XXème siècles. Au Portugal, les chemins de fer sont été le cerne d’un très vaste débat, coïncidant avec une croissante instabilité dans le scenario politique et aussi une phase économique fragile. C’est dans ce contexte que la Ligne du Sud et Sud-est va être bâti (suivi par l’extension jusqu’à Vila Real de Santo António et la construction de l’embranchement ferroviaire Portimão). Cette entreprise c’est une illustration claire de la réalité portugaise, en concernant l’implémentation de cette réseau de transport, que nous permettre de comprendre et également bien connaitre qui a intervenu dans le processus de construction de la ligne (les ingénieurs, entreprises, etcetera), ainsi que déterminer les influences et les transferts techniques qui ont eu lieu; ABSTRACT: With this master’s thesis, the aim is to be able to contribute to a better understanding of the complex network of technique’s and knowledge transfers, that took place within the field of civil engineering, in the 19th and 20th centuries, namely on the railways. In Portugal, railways take-up was a wide and ample debate, coinciding with an uprising turmoil on the Portuguese political outskirt and a phase of economic frailty. It’s in this context that the construction of the South and Southeast Line took place (followed, later on, by its extension until Vila Real de Santo António and by the construction of the Portimão’s branch). This enterprise is, as we pretend to prove in this master’s thesis, a clear example of the Portuguese reality, enabling us to understand and to get to know those who intervened in the construction’s process (the engineers and the companies) as well as determining influences and technique transfers that have taken place.


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Geomorphological mapping is a powerful instrument improving the geomorphological interpretation and understanding of the processes and forms used in landscape studies, with the ability of organizing different thematic layers in the same map. The presented map provide relevant information about the different geomorphological units of the central Algarve (i.e. the Carboniferous flysch mountains; the Barrocal, with marly and karstified subunits), where a karst system is prominent. Solution karst morphologies and large dry areas are common in the elevated areas of the Barrocal, suggesting deep circulation of groundwater. These recharge areas feed the perched aquifers of the area, where discharge is controlled by the impervious lithologies (clay-rich strata of the turbidites, marls and argilites) in the valley bottoms or other leaks in dammed aquifers. In springs related to the main aquifers tufa are actively being formed and, close coupled to spring location, different tufa depositional systems develop.


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Laser ablation ICP-MS U–Pb analyses have been conducted on detrital zircon of Upper Triassic sandstone from the Alentejo and Algarve basins in southwest Iberia. The predominance of Neoproterozoic, Devonian, Paleoproterozoic and Carboniferous detrital zircon ages confirms previous studies that indicate the locus of the sediment source of the late Triassic Alentejo Basin in the pre-Mesozoic basement of the South Portuguese and Ossa-Morena zones. Suitable sources for the Upper Triassic Algarve sandstone are the Upper Devonian–Lower Carboniferous of the South Portuguese Zone (Phyllite–Quartzite and Tercenas formations) and the Meguma Terrane (present-day in Nova Scotia). Spatial variations of the sediment sources of both Upper Triassic basins suggest a more complex history of drainage than previously documented involving other source rocks located outside present-day Iberia. The two Triassic basins were isolated from each other with the detrital transport being controlled by two independent drainage systems. This study is important for the reconstruction of the late Triassic paleogeography in a place where, later, the opening of the Central Atlantic Ocean took place separating Europe from North America.


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Face ao aumento que se tem vindo a observar da população, especialmente a população flutuante, e a alteração nos hábitos de consumo de água, com destaque para os últimos 20 anos, a região do Algarve poderá enfrentar em anos secos um cenário onde a disponibilidade de recursos hídricos naturais seja reduzida face à procura. Em 2005 foi desenvolvido um plano de contingência para o Sistema Multimunicipal de Abastecimento de Água do Algarve (SMAAA). O plano prevê a possibilidade de reactivação de antigas captações subterrâneas municipais para reforço do abastecimento público em situações de contingência nesta região. A presente dissertação apresenta a avaliação dos principais impactos das projecções dos modelos de clima para o fim do século no SMAAA, nomeadamente ao nível da disponibilidade de água na origem e da procura de água para consumo humano, e a adaptação do plano de contingência face a esses impactos. /RESUME: Faced with a population increase, special one related with tourism, and also with changes in water consumption habits that has been occurring mostly in the last 20 years, the Algarve region in hydrologic dry years may face serious water shortage in a scenario where water resources are scarce. Being so, in 2005 a contingency plan was developed for the Algarve's Multimunicipal Bulk System (AMBS). The plan includes the possibility of reactivating old water capitations, to reinforce the water public distribution upon contingency situation in the region. The present dissertation evaluates the main impacts of the climatic change forecasted by model projections throughout the end of the century on the AMBS, Iooking more specifically at the water availability and the water demand for public consumption, and the adaptation of the contingency plan to those impacts.


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BULLYING- espectáculo/intervenção, é um relatório de estágio elaborado no contexto do curso de Mestrado de Teatro em Arte do Actor da Universidade de Évora pelo aluno 20584 Pedro Mendes. Dá conta da experiência curricular do mestrando enquanto actor numa companhia de teatro profissional, bem como de urna análise e pesquisa temática, processual e académica, por ele desenvolvidas e redigidas. O estágio de três meses foi realizado na ACTA- A Companhia de Teatro do Algarve, sedeada na cidade de Faro, e teve como objectivo a construção e consequente apresentação do espectáculo BULLYING, terceira produção artística da companhia de carácter pedagógico, nas diversas escolas básicas da região. Segundo a orientação da docente Ana Tamen, o discente abordou todo o objecto de estágio através de urna aproximação estética ao Teatro do Oprimido de Augusto Boal. _Summary: BULLYING- Show/lntervention, is an internship report, elaborated within the context of a Master's Degree in Theatre, «The Actor’s Art» - at the University of Évora by the student, number 20584, Pedro Mendes. This report contains the curricular experience of the student while acting for a professional theatre company, as well as an analysis and a thematic, procedure and academic research, developed and written by the student. The three-month internship was made at ACTA - A Companhia de Teatro do Algarve (Algarve's Theatre Company), established in the town of Faro. The development and presentation of the show BULLYING, is the third artistic educational production of the company, in several schools of the region. Under the guidance of the teacher Ana Tamen, the student meant to establish, through this report, an aesthetic connection between the work developed in this context and Augusto Boal’s ‘Teatro do Oprimido'. NOTA: Contém DVD com ficheiros de vídeo que só podem ser consultados na biblioteca.


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Texto relativo ao segundo encontor Perspectivas da investigação e(m) artes: articulações, realizado na Universidade de Évora em dezembro de 2013.


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A prática e a história da Máquina Real afirma-se como um elemento central do teatro de marionetas peninsular, sobretudo a partir dos estudos empreendidos por Francisco J. Cornejo Vega. Estes estudos permitiram relançar os termos da pesquisa da presença de companhias e de repertório da máquina real no espaço português entre os séculos XVI e XVIII, equacionando influências e interrogando o significativo desenvolvimento setecentista de um teatro de bonecos português — tanto ligado à ópera como às formas de teatro popular, como os presépios —, até ao lento declinar oitocentista daquela tipologia de teatro. O que quero propor é que a máquina real, enquanto objecto histórico e desafio historiográfico, se perspective à luz da sua vocação compósita, território onde confluem objectos animados, maquinismos e práticas espectaculares gímnicas e mecânicas, às quais poderiam acrescentar-se as luminárias e fogos de artifício, as touradas e paradas equestres, as assembleias e outeiros poéticos que caracterizam de forma insistente as práticas espectaculares do nosso século XVIII (como atestam inúmeros títulos de entremezes seetecentistas), alargando assim algum tanto o corpus de objectos mal-amados das histórias do teatro que tradicionalmente se situam nas franjas do sistema teatral. Esta é a primeira etapa desse desiderato.


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Lavandula spp. belong to the family Lamiatae and some species are often used in popular medicine and have been used for centuries in a large number of medical applications and in aromatherapy. Although similar ethnobotanical properties of Lavandula spp., its essential oils, general chemical composition and therapeutic applications differ from different species. Lavandula stoechas L. subsps. luisieri (Rozeira) Rozeira and L. viridis L’Hér are endemic to the Iberian Peninsula, widespread in the South of Portugal, namely in Southern Alentejo and Algarve. The aim of our study was evaluate the chemical composition and toxicological and pharmacological activities of leaves essential oils of spontaneous plants of L. stoechas L. subsps. luisieri (Alentejo) and L. viridis (Algarve). The essential oils of these wild plants, collected in spring, were obtained by hydrodistillation in a Clevenger-type apparatus and its chemical composition was evaluated by GC/FID. The acute toxicity of essential oils was evaluated "in vitro" using brine shrimp (LC50) and "in vivo" using Swiss mice (DL50). The analgesic and anti-inflammatory pharmacological properties of L. stoechas subsp. luisieri essential oil were evaluated in mouse or rats by the Amour-Smith and carrageen-induced paw edema tests, respectively. Results showed important differences in chemical composition of essential oils from two species analyzed either to diversity and proportion of its constituents. The essentials oils showed citotoxicity against Artemia salina and a DL50 higher than 2000 mg/kg for mice. The analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of essential oils were exhibit for the doses of 100 and 200 mg/kg.


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Lavenders belong to the family Labiatae and represent some of the most popular medicinal plants of great economic importance. Their essential oils are important for the perfume, cosmetic, flavouring and pharmaceutical industries. However, despite its popularity, and the long tradition of use, biological properties of the various Lavandula species are not yet been well sustained by scientific or clinical studies and some available data being inconclusive and controversial [1]. Although Lavandula spp. have similar ethnobotanical properties, however, chemical composition and therapeutic uses differ from different species and main composition of essential oils showed differences with species and with the region were they grow [1,2,3]. L. stoechas L. subsps. luisieri (Rozeira) Rozeira. L. pedunculata (Mill.) Cav. and L. viridis L’Hér are endemic to the Iberian Peninsula, widespread in the South of Portugal, namely in Alentejo and Algarve. In our work, essential oils from the stems or leaves from wild grown plants of L. luisieri (Alentejo), L. pedunculata (Alentejo) and L. viridis (Algarve), were extracted by hydrodistillation and analyzed by GC-FID. Antimicrobial activity was evaluated by solid diffusion disk assay and minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) against pathogenic Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and food spoilage fungi.


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No presente trabalho estudaram-se três espécies do género Lavandula, do sul de Portugal: L. luisieri e L. pedunculata (Alentejo) e L.viridis (Algarve), com vista caraterizar a composição química dos óleos essenciais das diferentes espécies, parte vegetativa (folha) e espiga floral, e dos respetivos extratos de hidrodestilação, e avaliar as propriedades antioxidante, antimicrobiana, toxicológica, analgésica e antiinflamatória de alguns dos seus óleos essenciais e extratos aquosos, mais promissores. Os resultados mostraram importantes diferenças na composição química dos óleos essenciais, quanto à diversidade e à proporção dos seus constituintes. Os óleos essenciais e hidrolatos, em estudo, apresentaram importantes propriedades antioxidantes e antimicrobianas. Os estudos toxicológicos e farmacológicos mostraram que os óleos apresentaram citotoxicidade em Artemia salina, apresentaram valores de DL50 muito superiores a 2000 mg/kg em ratinhos Swiss, e que possuem importantes propriedades analgésicas e anti-inflamatória. Estes resultados sugerem o seu potencial uso para aplicações farmacológicas como agentes nutracêuticos e/ou fitoterapêuticos; ABSTRACT:The aim of present work was to develop a set of studies of three species of the genera Lavandula, at the South of Portugal: L. luisieri e L. pedunculata (Alentejo) e L.viridis (Algarve), in order to characterize the chemical composition of the essential oils (leaves and flowers) and to evaluate the antioxidant, antimicrobial, toxicological and pharmacological properties of selected essential oils and aqueous extracts. Results show important differences in chemical composition of essential oils, both in diversity as the proportion of their constituents. Essential oils and aqueous extracts of different Lavandula spp. showed important antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Pharmacological studies have shown that essential oils showed cytotoxicity against Artemia salina, low acute toxicity, with LD50 >> 2000 mg/kg for mice, and important analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. These results suggest their potential use for pharmacological applications as nutraceutical and/or phytotherapeutic agents.